Saturday, January 31, 2015

January Quotes

Posted by Unknown in Saturday, January 31, 2015 0 Comment
Just Inka Quotes 

Find my  another quotes in my twitter favs or hastag #jstiq 

01/01/15 Thursday
Now is first day in 2k15 year.
Every day never has significance , unless the people themselves who make it meaningful.

01/02/15 Friday
Stop thinking bad , bad is a crook mind.

01/03/15 Saturday
They are pursuing happiness of the world, but forget their akhirah. Don't be like them!

01/04/15 Sunday
Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know ALLAH, will come to know ALLAH because they know you.

01/05/15 Monday
Vices like a boomerang.

01/06/15 Tuesday
Everything start from something.

01/07/15 Wednesday
People are afraid of change because like the past, the future is actually being shut down.

01/08/15 Thursday
To find happiness, you have to find Allah.

01/09/15 Friday
Dress for Allah.

01/10/15 Saturday
To start big something, must be brave!

01/11/15 Sunday
A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity.

01/12/15 Monday
Good writers are good readers.

01/13/15 Tuesday
Makes dua every time.

01/14/15 Wednesday
In Jannah no one broke the heart of one another.

01/15/15 Thursday
Allah is the most forgiving.

01/16/15 Friday
Love is now or never.

01/17/15 Saturday
Dream Wish Believe.

01/18/15 Sunday
Make your purpose Jannah!

01/19/15 Monday
Pray every time bc Allah always listen.

01/20/15 Tuesday
Grateful for everything and would be good!

01/21/15 Wednesday
Change now or Never!

01/22/15 Thursday
Prioritizing Allah, then Allah will prioritize you.

01/23/15 Friday
Knowing He is Allah, lord of all kings.

01/24/15 Saturday
"Onthur kayfa yaftaroona AAala Allahi alkathiba wakafa bihi ithman mubeenan. 4:50"

01/25/15 Sunday
Put smile on your mother face everyday.

01/26/15 Monday
Intention can make a success.

01/27/15 Tuesday
Not useful who person's life without faith.

01/28/15 Wednesday
Never look back. Look forward.

01/29/15 Thursday
Friends with the believers.

01/30/15 Friday
Makes sunnah in this Jumu'ah.

01/31/15 Saturday
Trust Allah and pray, and He will light the way.


Thursday, January 29, 2015


Posted by Unknown in Thursday, January 29, 2015 0 Comment
Ini jam 12 banget gue nulis ini, ya gue baru dapet jaringan bagus mau ga mau malem waktu tepat banget buat nulis ini. Keadaan disini sepi banget, dari gue nonton tv sampai acaranya selesai dan tv tinggal berita sama film indonesia dewasa gitu tapi engga jelas-_-. Nyokap gue barusan tidur, kasian juga masa dia suruh nemenin gue ngeblog yakan? Kaka gue pulang kerja juga langsung tidur, bokap gue udah daritadi berangkat kerja karna dapet sip malem. Intinya banget gue nulis ini dengan keadaan jombloooooo;v ayo yg jombloooo angkat tangannya temenin gue nulis ini hfttt.

Jadi gue mau cerita MY UNFORGETABLE MOMENT gueee. Duh pokoknya unforgetable banget ya, gimana ga unforgetable coba kalau JUSTIN BIEBER FOLLOW GUE woyyyyyyy. Yakan lo pasti langsung ganyangka gitu , rada kesel, kecewa iri gitukan? iya awalnya gue terkejut gjls trus kesel kalau ada org yg difollow atau dapet notif justin. Gimana gak kesel brayzz gue bertahun tahun ngetweet ke justin belom juga dilirik atau dipandang sebelah matapun sama justin. Malah yg baik si Jessica Jarrell, Jason Derulo, Tiffany Houghton  yg follow gue duluan. 

Akhirnya gue mikir kritis banget kalau  Mac sama Dylan aja udah notif gue, pasti justin juga akan notif gue yakan.

 Masalahnya kapaan? haha yaudah gue tungguin aja sampai waktu sendiri yang kasih tau ke gue yekan, intinya be patient aja_-.
Be patient, hardwork itu aja yg gue lakuin berulang ulang sampai di judge orang katanya spam lah gapentinglah, mereka aja yg gangerasain perjuangan gue;'((

Sampai akhirnya perjuangan itu selesai karena john;* laflaf banget sama john. skip
First pagi pagi sekitar jm 6an gue ngecharge hp sekalian ngecharge otak siapin beberapa kalimat bagus tentang shots untuk gue tweet ke john. Inilah kalimat apa adanya dipagi hari dengan satu typo nya gue______-

Kalimat se sederhana itu gue pikir gaakan ngerubah apaapa. Who know? berapa menit kemudian ada notif gini ^^ bayangin aja coba bayangin, gue sih gajauh jauh akan teriak teriak ngalay gitu.

Awalnya john cuma fav, yaudah teriak teriakan lah gue sampai nyokap ngeluarin single. Tapi gue belom puas banget dalem hati sampai bilang " yah cuma di fav, ga di follow ". Entah cuma gue atau banyak org yang kurang puas kalau cuma di fav sama john(?) tapi gue yakin semua org pasti gapuasss banget kalau cuma di fav john. Oke gue tunggu aja moga moga si john salah click button trus follow gue hah fak banget ya gue duh*-*. Butttttttt, berapa menit kemudian john follow, rasanya kaya terbang ke langit ke 2 gituuu yaampun:o 

haha kenapa cuma langit ke2?, 

yagapapa kalau tinggi tinggi takut sakit kalau jatuh:( . Darisitu gue langsung tweet gajelas ke justin, karna gue tau rules supaya difollow justin harus di follow john dulu. Nah si john udah follow gue, apalagi coba? tinggal justin follow yakan? dengan batrai hp gue yg cuma berapa persen, sambil ngecharge gue ngetweet ke justin. FINALLY setelah  bertahun tahun , berbulan bulan, berhari hari, bermenit menit, berdetik detik entah mungkin justin lg main twittter terus dia salah click button eh ngefollow gue, mungkin gitu kali ya, mungkin dia mau unfoll tapi mungkin dia bilang " sayang deh unfoll akun ini, akun ini beliebers swag gitu kaliya " halaah mungkin deh kayanya justin bisa follow saya karena itu:(;'((((((((((.
But gue bersyukur banget sama Yang Maha Kuasa di awal awal 2015 ini gue dapet kado tahun baru ya......... itu si justin akhirnya buka mata dan dia gaesssss diaaaa FOLLOW gueee:');g . Ah rasanya haru, seneng berkepanjangan, excited bangettttttt.

Gue yakin ko kalian akan ngerasain what i fell tapi dengan hardwork, patient , tawakal deh haha kalian pasti bisa ko. Good Luck, have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ini jm2 tepat banget baru selesai. Please jangan kapok baca blog gapenting ini;"


15 tips

Posted by Unknown in Thursday, January 29, 2015 0 Comment

Tips to Justin Bieber follow you on twitter


It's time to I give yall tips to Justin Bieber FOLLOW you.
What i write is real my unforgetable experience everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I always wait when justin  follow me, I'm belieber since 2009 but I have any problem after that, So it's not make me down to always support Justin.
I want to make world know that I'm a belieber. But I'm afraid and when someone judge me about freak sentence. If you know that, I hate people who likes judging. 

I was tried everything rules to justin bieber can follow me .........and then my HARDwork is successs.

      01/04/15 << is time never i try to forgeted, why? time JUSTIN BIEBER was follow me omfgdamnnnnn.

..... It's very surprising to me but I will never happy if my family (beliebers) don't happy. So.............. i want give yall tips to JUSTIN BIEBER can follow yall.


1. Make sure you are a real belieber
2. You have to much knowledge about justin bieber and john shahidi
3. Make twitter like your favourite daily everrrrr
4. You have to follow @justinbieber
5. You have to follow @john
6. You have to download and use shots app like your daily selfies place
7. Give ur opinion about shots app
8. Put ur opinion in twitter and mentioned to @john
9. Most important is you use good word to mix your opinion
10. You can send some tweet to @john with different sentence
11. You can do that every time you want or when @john 's online
12. Don't forget to follow me @inkaasa maybe can help you if you want ask something in my simply twitter
13. To do everything that make result, you can do with enjoyable situation
14. Don't give up, and try again if you failed
15. Be patient

Give me comment about what i write!

Have a nice day! and Good luck!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Year’s Resolution

Posted by Unknown in Saturday, January 10, 2015 1 Comment


My favorite thing about the New Year is that it allows for a magical sense of renewal and a chance to start fresh.
It is the day we resolve to leave the past behind and move forward. It is the day we fill ourselves up with courage and tell ourselves this is the year we will start doing more of the things we want and stop doing the things that don’t matter.

With every new year comes the chance to change our mindsets, eliminate negativity and choose to move forward. There is a reason we are told the best is yet to come.

This year, make a resolution you can keep. Stop doing things that are no longer in your best interest. Here are 15 things you must STOP doing in 2015 to truly move forward and live this year to the fullest:

1. Stop showing and telling everything to everyone.
The world does not need to know your every move; leave some things to the imagination. Mystery is good.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others.
What you see is NOT what you get, or even what the true reality of a situation is. We all spend way too much of our time comparing our lives to others; yet, we all forget that the pictures we see of others on Instagram and Facebook are simply highlights of their lives.They aren’t the everyday; they aren’t the struggle; they aren’t the bad hair day. They are the edited, Photoshopped and posed highlight reel of a momentary highlight of someone else’s life.

3. Stop worrying about what others think of you.
People will judge you regardless of what you do, so do what you want. There’s nothing wrong with walking your own journey on a path you create.You don’t have to do, like or want the things that other people try, love or desire. Start that blog, write that article or wear that outfit about which you’ve been hesitant. In the great words of Kid Cudi, “They gon’ judge me anyway, so whatever.”

4. Stop waiting.
If you don’t take the chance or risk it all now… when will you? Time will always be hard to find. Start now and go after what you want, or wait for later and hope that later isn’t too late.

5. Stop doubting.
If you have an idea or feeling that keeps coming back to you, make it happen. When an idea keeps coming back, it’s for a reason. Take action and follow the ideas that flood your mind. Million-dollar ideas are a dime a dozen, but it’s only one in a million who follow through with their ideas.

6. Stop being a stranger.
We’re all in this together. When you give the world the best you have, the best comes back to you. Be good to people. Popularity fades, kindness does not.

7. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
You are not a victim; it’s time to get out of your own way. If you find yourself constantly surrounded by drama, you are the one enabling it.You will never be able to control what others do; however, you are in full control of how you react. Realize that you can overcome hard times. Instead of attending your own pity party, you can accept the fact that only you can change your thoughts and experiences.You have the power to control your feelings.

8. Stop standing in your own way.
The thoughts in your head about yourself and your situation really do affect your life. Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t reside in-between your own ears.Follow your intuition and learn that nothing that lasts is started through force. If you have to force it, leave it behind.

9. Stop feeling guilty.
There is a difference between moving on and quitting. Understand that it’s okay to grow out of things. You don’t have to want the same things you wanted when you were 16, 18, 21 or 25…Life changes, and so do we. Staying where you are and living with guilt or fear is a guaranteed trip to nowhere. You’re allowed to move on and miss it at the same time. Missing something or someone doesn’t make you weak; it makes you real.

10. Stop thinking money creates value.
Don’t overvalue short-term benefits. Higher pay doesn’t equate to a job that will make you feel complete. A significant other with a nice car doesn’t equal a lifetime of happiness.Choose a job that will give you experience, more opportunities and tons of room for professional and personal growth. Choose a relationship based on someone’s heart, not bank account.

11. Stop feeling obligated.
Don’t make decisions based on what you think you SHOULD do.Don’t take advice from people who don’t have to live with the result of the decision. Make decisions based on what you WANT to do. It’s your life and you’ll have to live with the choices you make. You don’t need to choose the mediocre when greatness exists.

12. Stop saying “yes” all the time.
No is a complete sentence. You owe no one an explanation for not wanting to go out, not wanting to take a drink, not wanting to stay over, not wanting to go to the reunion.

13. Stop thinking everything is a competition.
The true definition of power is how much you can give back, and not just monetarily. Being powerful is like being classy: If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.

14. Stop trying to be like everyone else.
Once and for all, own who you are, own where you’ve been, and don’t be afraid to tell your story.

15. Stop thinking you have to get it right on the first try.

No one else has it figured out, either. There is no guidebook or perfect formula, and often, life works much more as a process of elimination to figure out what we want.

We learn more and more about ourselves and the things that truly make us happy every day — and more importantly, the things that don’t. There are moments in life when everything is blurry and moments everything seems to be in focus.

Just like the lens of a camera, you have the power to adjust your vision. And, even on the darkness days, where you can’t see anything, just keep moving forward. It’s the only constant and forever the direction in which we all must go.

[John Shahidi]

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