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Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Your Idol Follow You on Twitter
How To Make Your Idol Follow You On Twitter
Hi !
How are you?
Do you want to read my new post? " How To Make Your Idol Follow You On Twitter "
Okay guys i post to yall who need your idol to follow you. And i hope you read and coment in my post.
Te Amo babe=)
Lets enjoy with my post!!!!!!
"How To Make Your Idol Follow You On Twitter"
1. You must follow your idol!
2. Tweet them when they are online
3. You have to mention him with beautiful words and the things associated with it
4. When a good opportunity is time when your idol launch new something, as he issued a new album, her latest film, latest videos, and new projects associated with it.
5. You can help your idol to promote new things, such as promoting his new album, his new film, and possibly her new video.
6. You also have to mention him when he was free follow or open follow
7. Systems are often used in this year was spam system, so you can spam to your idol with beautiful words and make sense
Let's do it guyssssss!!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Niall Horan
1oo fakta tentang Niall Horan
1. Nama lengkap Niall adalah Niall James Horan
2. Niall Horan lahir 13 September 1993.
3. Zodiak Niall adalah Virgo.
Menurut tanda bintang dia analitis, jeli, membantu, dapat diandalkan dan
4. Ibu Niall bernama Maura Gallagher dan nama ayahnya adalah Bobby Horan.
5. Niall memiliki kakak bernama Greg yang berumur 24-tahun.
6. Ibu Niall dan ayah berpisah ketika dia berumur lima tahun.
Dia dan Greg membagi waktu mereka antara dua rumah, tetapi akhirnya
mereka tinggal bersama ayah mereka Bobby di Mullingar, County Westmeath
di Irlandia.
7. Maura, Ibu Niall menikah lagi dan tinggal di Edgeworthstown terdekat dengan suaminya tujuh tahun, Chris.
9. Sebelum sekolah menengah, Niall sekolah di St Kenny National School.
10. Wanita favorit Niall adalah Cheryl Cole dan pria favoritnya adalah Michael Bublé.
11. Pada debut album One Direction ini 'Up All Night', Niall memiliki
sekitar 1 menit dan 25 detik dari solo - keluar sedikit dari semua lima
12. Niall menyanyikan Ne-Yo 'So Sick' di babak pertama dan X Factor menerima pujian bersinar dari Louis Walsh.
13. Sebagai penggemar Oasis, Niall menyanyikan 'Champagne Supernova' di X Factor bootcamp.
14. Warna favorit Niall adalah hijau dan juga biru.
15. Niall bilang dia hanya membaca satu buku secara keseluruhan - klasik Amerika 'To Kill A Mockingbird'.
16. Niall memiliki maskot keberuntungan yang sangat aneh tapi baik - sepasang kaus kaki putih. Erm, ok kalau begitu!
17. Niall mendukung sepak bola Inggris Derby County. Setelah menghadiri
pertandingan pertamanya berusia empat, seluruh Niall masa kecilnya
teratur terbang dari Irlandia ke Inggris untuk menghadiri permainan.
19. Niall adalah pemain gitar dan pengikut kuat dan tumbuh dari musik indie.
20. Sama seperti Liam, nama tengah Niall adalah James.
21. Pada Desember 2011 Niall memiliki kawat gigi putih transparan tetap ke giginya.
22. Lagu favorit Niall sepanjang masa adalah 'Viva La Vida' oleh Coldplay.
23. Niall adalah anggota termuda kedua 1D - dibelakang Harry.
24. Pada awal 2010, beberapa bulan sebelum penampilannya di X Factor,
Niall didukung Lloyd Daniels di Akademi 2 di Dublin. Ada klip kinerja
nya 'Baby' Justin Bieber di pertunjukan di YouTube.
25. Tinggi Niall sekitar 5 kaki dan 7 inci.
26. Niall mengatakan hadiah Natal terbaik yang pernah diterima adalah gitarnya.
27. Salah satu idola Niall terbesar adalah Michael Bublé. Dia menjelaskan crooner Kanada sebagai "pahlawan mutlak."
28. Di samping Coldplay, Niall adalah penggemar berat band rock The Eagles, Bon Jovi dan The Script.
29. Hewan peliharaan pertama Niall itu adalah dua ikan mas yang disebut
Tom dan Jerry. Sayangnya mereka meninggal ketika saudara Niall, Greg
sengaja memberikan mereka makan kebanyakan!
30. Ketika One Direction mencapai nomor satu di Amerika Serikat dengan
'Up All Night', Katy Perry secara pribadi di Twitter mengucapkan
selamat untuk Niall. Seorang juri tamu di The X Factor pada tahun 2010,
dia awalnya ragu-ragu untuk menempatkan Niall lolos ke babak berikutnya
dan mengatakan kepadanya pada waktu ". Jangan mengecewakan kita" Mengacu
hal ini, ia tweeted: "@NiallOfficial selamat, You didn 't let me down!
xo, "
31. Alamat Twitter Niall adalah @NiallOfficial. Pada saat penulisan (Agustus 2012) ia memiliki 5.360.356 pengikut - wow gileee badai tjoyyy!!!!!
32. Justin Bieber mengikuti Niall di Twitter dan menjadi teman baik di chatting dan di situs jejaring sosial.
33. Niall menderita claustrophobia - takut ruang kecil dan terbatas.
Berbicara kepada Sunday Mirror tentang kondisi baru, ayah Niall, Bobby
mengatakan: "Ada gerombolan gadis-gadis muda di sekelilingnya, dan tidak
banyak ruang untuk bernapas di mana saja Dia mengatakan itu bisa
menakutkan Keluar dari bandara dan gadis-gadis berkerumun di sekitar
mobil mereka.. , dia mulai benar-benar sesak. "
34. Ayah Niall itu menggambarkan dia sebagai "benar-benar gentle, baik, sopan, dan anak yang baik."
35. Serta claustrophobia, Niall memiliki rasa takut merpati. Dia
menjelaskan: "Saya mendapatkan benar-benar gugup jika merpati yang
terbang di sekitar sebelum acara. Aku tidak tahan saat mereka setelah
satu kali terbang melalui jendela kamar mandi saya dan pergi ketika saya
ke kamar mandi. Itu sudah cukup. Saya pikir merpati menargetkan saya
"Niall yang malang!
36. Pada 2012, Niall disajikan pertunjukan # 1DHQ untuk The Radio Hit.
Playlist-nya adalah: Katy Perry 'Last Friday Night', 'Moves Like Jagger'
Maroon 5, 'One Thing' One Direction, JLS 'Do You Feel What I Feel?',
'Commander' Kelly Rowland, Ne-Yo 'So Sick 'dan One Direction' What Makes
You Beautiful '.
37. Niall mengatakan kepada The Radio Hit bahwa cara ideal untuk
bersantai adalah untuk "duduk kembali, mendapatkan kaki di sofa. Pada
Senin sepakbola menonton beberapa Senin malam, melalui film minggu
menonton dan pada akhir pekan menonton saluran olahraga "Dia juga suka
bermain Playstation dan dinginkan di rumah pemuda 1D '..
38. Meskipun perbedaan usia delapan tahun, Faith Paloma mengatakan dia
naksir Niall! Dia mengatakan kepada We Love Pop: "Aku mencintainya. Dia
bisa menjadi Toyboyku, saya tidak akan keberatan memiliki pacar yang
lebih muda..."
39. Niall starstruck ketika ia bertemu Michelle Obama di Gedung Putih.
Dia mengatakan kepada Digital Spy: "Dia adalah wanita yang luar biasa
cantik, dan aku meruakan fan besar Barack Obama pula."
40. Niall ingin One Direction untuk berkolaborasi dengan Eminem pada
catatan mereka berikutnya. Sayangnya, itu sangat tidak mungkin bahwa Mr
Mathers akan setuju untuk melakukannya!
41. Niall keracunan makanan setelah tur musim semi 1D tentang Australia
dan Selandia Baru. Saat ia hendak naik rumah 11.000 mil penerbangan, ia
tweeted: "Not feeling the best! sore all over! under the weather as
they say!"
42. Sepotong roti vegemite yang Niall telah setengah-dimakan di Sydney,
Australia memasang di eBay awal tahun ini. Tawaran mencapai lebih dari £
43. Niall digosipkan dengan aktris Skins Freya Mavor dan penyanyi Demi Lovato. Kedua rumor yang dirubris oleh Niall!
44. Niall adalah kidal. Berbagai studi menunjukkan bahwa sekitar satu dari sepuluh orang adalah kidal.
45. Niall suka bersumpah banyak dan sering tetap tenang dalam wawancara dalam kasus dia sengaja mengatakan kata kasar!
46. Tidak seperti tinta-obsesif Harry dan Zayn, Niall tidak memiliki tato.
47. Pada bulan Juli 2012, Niall bercanda disebut sekelompok penggemar
gadis di bandara Dublin dengan "shower of c***s". Meskipun sebagian Satu
Directioners mengetahui itu mengatakan dalam bercanda, tendangan media
memaksa Niall untuk meminta maaf. Dia tweeted: "Really sorry if I caused
any offence. It was just banter with fans who I think of more as mates.
But I understand that it's not a word I should be using at all."
48. Salah satu kolaborasi mimpi 1D Niall adalah Labrinth yang ia percaya adalah "super berbakat."
49. Niall benar-benar suka bernyanyi di kamar mandi. Dia mengatakan
kepada majalah TOTP: "Aku bernyanyi sepanjang waktu di kamar mandi aku
akan menyanyi apa pun yang dalam grafik Hari ini saya sedang bernyanyi
'It Will Rain' oleh Bruno Mars.!."
50. Ciuman pertama Niall adalah dengan pertukaran pelajar Perancis
ketika dia "11 atau 12" tahun. Dia mengakui bahwa dia adalah
"benar-benar gugup" pada saat itu.
51. Ketika One Direction terlibat dalam kecelakaan mobil kecil pada
bulan Januari, Niall tertawa! Dia menjelaskan kepada Sekarang Magazine:
"Saya tidak tahu mengapa, tapi saya pikir itu lucu - rasanya seperti
berada di bumper mobil."
52. Niall menyukai wanita 33-tahun dari Irlandia Utara yaitu presenter
TV Christine Bleakley. ..! Dia antusias: "Aku jatuh cinta Christine
menakjubkan, begitu menakjubkan aku mencintainya Serius, dia NBF saya,
sahabat baruku - dia benar-benar luar biasa Saya juga berpikir dia
cantik ... Aku suka yang wanita yang lebih tua " Sayangnya untuk Niall,
Christine bertunangan dengan pemain sepak bola Frank Lampard!
53. (Eropa) ukuran sepatu Niall adalah delapan.
54. Film favorit Niall sepanjang masa adalah Grease. Dia juga penggemar film horor.
55. Selalu seorang pemain sandiwara, ketika ia berusia sembilan tahun
Niall memainkan peran utama dalam produksi Oliver Twist di St Kenny
National School
56. Niall memiliki makanan favorit terlalu banyak! Dia sangat menyukai
pizza dan lelucon bahwa ia lebih suka makan sepotong pizza daripada
mencium seorang gadis.
57. Niall diputuskan menang untuk pada malam audisi The X Factor oleh Joe McElderry, pada tanggal 13 Desember 2009.
58. Niall akan mengencani satu fan pada kondisi - dia tidak berteriak di wajahnya!
59. Niall adalah teman yang kembung. Bandmates 1D-rekannya mengatakan dia adalah yang tergendut dan terbesar dalam kelompok!
60. Sementara menunggu di luar untuk pertama audisi X Factor di Dublin,
Niall menghibur kerumunan dengan melakukan cover 'One Time' Justin
Bieber pada gitarnya.
61. Niall terpilih sebagai pria terpanas 2011 oleh majalah Sugarscape, mengalahkan semua nya bandmates One Direction!
62. Warna rambut alami Niall adalah coklat gelap.
63. Ketika fans meminta Niall untuk menikah dengannya dia selalu bercanda menjawab dengan "ya."
64. Ketika Niall pertama kali mendarat di Los Angeles dengan One
Direction ia merayakan dengan menyanyikan 'Party In The USA' Miley
65. Kencan impian Niall adalah dengan bintang iCarly Miranda Cosgrove.
66. Lagu Hari Valentine Niall favorit adalah 1.972 Van Morrison 'Crazy
Love' klasik. Niall menyadari trek ketika Michael Bublé penutupannya
tahun 2009.
67. Niall berpikir bahwa itu akan menjadi prestasi besar jika One
Direction bisa dekat untuk mencapai Take That, N'Sync dan keberhasilan
The Backstreet Boys '. Dia mengatakan: "Mudah-mudahan kita bisa meniru
sedikit keberhasilan mereka karena jika kita mendapatkan mendekati bahwa
itu akan menjadi prestasi yang sangat besar."
68. Niall naksir besar pada Katy Perry. Dia mengatakan: "" Katy Perry
masih bisa saya setiap waktu. Dia sangat lucu secara pribadi! Kami
bertemu di Teen Choice Awards dan dia menarik pipi saya terpisah dan
mengatakan kepada saya betapa lucunya saya. Hidupku benar berkedip di
depan mata saya! "
69. Niall pikir dia "benar-benar orang yang paling beruntung di dunia."
70. Album favorit Niall sepanjang masa adalah Bon Jovi yang 'Greatest Hits'. 'Crazy Love' Michael Bublé adalah yang kedua.
71. Niall akan menjadi "suami yang baik", menurut ayahnya Bobby.
72. Sementara ia mencintai pengikut wanitanya, Niall ingin penggemar One
Direction lebih banyak lagi laki-laki. Dia mengatakan kepada Storyboard
blog: "Kami ingin melihat fans boy lebih, seperti melihat mereka dalam
kerumunan keren Ini gadis 90%, tapi kami ingin memperluas basis
penggemar kami Kami ingin orang yang berbeda menyukai kita..."
73. Niall memiliki cap pribadi. Dalam zamrud hijau (warna rumah
bangsanya Irlandia) memiliki namanya di bordir di bagian belakang.
74. Niall telah membaca novel Fifty Shades of Grey ... baik, sebagian
kecil dari itu. Dia mengatakan kepada Daily Mirror: "Seorang gadis
memberikannya kepada saya, saya membaca halaman pertama dan
meletakkannya Tapi itu baik.!."
75. Meskipun ia telah membantah laporan tabloid tentang keromantisannya, Demi Lovato berpikir Niall "manis."
76. Niall sendiri mengakui dia "seorang pria emosional" yang memakai hatinya pada lengan bajunya.
77. Pada beberapa hari Niall memilih untuk tidak mengenakan pakaian
apapun! "Saya ingin pergi bebas dan mudah dari waktu ke waktu," katanya
kepada Metro.
78. Ketika 1D berada di jalan, Niall suka mengobrol dengan teman-temannya dan keluarga melalui Skype pada bus wisata.
79. Ketika ia masih kecil, Niall memiliki seorang teman imajiner yang
disebut Michael. Dia sejak mencoba untuk menyangkalnya dalam wawancara
mengklaim Michael adalah orang yang nyata.
80. Niall tidak suka kalau gadis berpura-pura bertindak bodoh. Dia
tweeted: "Aku benci kalau gadis bertindak bodoh karena mereka pikir itu
lucu. Intelijen itu seksi.."
81. Niall mengakui bahwa ia masih merasa gugup sebelum pertunjukan live.
Dia mengatakan kepada Digital Spy: “When we first started out the
thought of getting up on stage freaked us all out. The kind of crowds we
get are very, very loud which helps. The bigger the crowd the better
really! The noise calms your nerves."
82. Niall menyukai keindahan alami. Dia tweeted: "Yah aku suka seorang gadis yang tidak memakai make up."
83. Ketika di Amerika, Niall sering mendapat undangan ke pihak lulusan
sekolah '. "Saya selalu mendapatkan permintaan untuk pergi ke prom,"
kata Niall The Sun. "Saya telah ditanya sekitar sepuluh kali."
84. Pada bulan Januari 2012, Louis menarik celana Niall yang turun di
sebuah stasiun layanan jalan tol di depan fans. Niall mengatakan dia
"sangat malu."
85. Niall pernah menantang Olly Murs untuk berkelahi. Untungnya itu
hanya olok-olok Twitter dan teman-teman yang baik tidak pernah terlibat
dalam baku hantam!
86. Untuk ulang tahun ke-18 nya, bandmates 1D Niall itu membelikannya
sebuah model seukuran Presiden Barack Obama. Niall kemudian sengaja
mengetuk salah satu lengan Obama off. Doh!
87. Niall memiliki hari ulang tahun yang sama (September 13) dengan
sejumlah orang terkenal termasuk kriket Shane Warne, penulis legendaris
Roald Dahl dan US atlet Michael Johnson.
89. Pertunjukan pertama Niall yaitu pernah pergi ke Busted di Dublin ketika ia berusia 10-tahun.
90. Niall ini sangat berisik. Liam Payne berkomentar: "Anda biasanya mendengar Niall sebelum Anda melihatnya." Hilarious!
91. Niall adalah penggemar berat jerapah. Dia bahkan telah difoto oleh
paparazi memeluk satu mainan! Menjelaskan mengapa dia begitu mencintai
mereka, Niall mengatakan: "Mereka begitu lama, saya berharap saya adalah
salah satu, maka mungkin aku akan lebih tinggi."
92. Niall bagus pada meniru aksen - terutama yang Skotlandia, Geordie dan Amerika.
93. Lagu favorit Justin Bieber Niall adalah lagu 'U Smile' dan 'One Less Lonely Girl'.
94. Niall berpikir jutaan pengikutnya yang lebih tampan dari dia. Dia
mengatakan: "Para penggemar selalu bilang aku tampan, tapi tak seorang
pun ada orang yang secantik mereka."
95. Pada Oktober 2011, Niall terlambat untuk wawancara 4music. Saat
bandmates 1D nya menunggu, di latar belakang Niall jatuh datar di pantat
ketika ia tersandung saat ia berlari untuk membuatnya tepat waktu.
Mengambil simpati, Harry menanyakan kru TV "Apakah Anda merekamnya di
97. Niall berpikir bahwa tidak memiliki pacar atau pacar bukanlah hal
yang buruk. Dia menjelaskan: "Menjadi single tidak berarti Anda lemah,
itu berarti Anda cukup kuat untuk menunggu untuk apa yang Anda layak"
98. Niall tidak berpikir ia akan maju sangat jauh di The X Factor. Dia
mengatakan: "Ketika saya berada di Dublin aku melihat sekeliling, dan
ada seperti 8.000 orang di audisi, dan aku berpikir 'bukan harapan,
tidak ada kesempatan yang bisa saya dapatkan di mana saja'."
99. Niall sering berbicara dalam tidurnya, suatu kondisi yang disebut somniloquy.
100. Lagu favorit Niall pada 'Up All Night' adalah Yacoub Rami, Carl
Falk dan Savan Koetcha yang menulis 'One Thing'. Single mencapai angka 9
diInggris pada bulan Januari 2013.
Fact About...
Sunday, October 12, 2014
1. He was born in Stratford Ontario, Canada
2. He was born on 1 march 1994
3. His celeb crucsh is Beyonce
4. He hate PAPARAZZI
5. He loves tacos!
6. His fave pie is apple pie.
7. He can moonwalk
8. He really loves snowboarding!
9. ‘Where Are You Now’ was written about his Dad
1o. So far he has bought his album 6 times from all different countries!
11. Usher teaches him some dance moves!
12. When paparazzi ask him awkward questions he just ignores them and walks away
13. Fans sometimes try to sneak in with him, pretending to be part of his crew!
14. His Firs Album "MY WORLD"
15. He said that Rihanna is ‘hot’ and Pixie Lott is ‘sexy’
16. He hates ignorant and racist people!
17. He always talks about how much his fans mean to him!
18. His fave personal motto is ‘family first’
19. He love Selena Gomez
20. He got his first plaque at YTV’s The Next Star at Canadas Wonderland
21. He has a big dog names Sammy who lives in Canada with his grandparents!
22. He love purple
23. He has performed for President Obama
24. He love sing
25. He love NEO Adidas shoes
26. He has featuring with Jessicca Jarrell
27. He very love his Beliebers
28. He is Kidrauhl
29. He is Bizzle
30. He is Sir Bizzle
31. On 30th January 2010, Justin hit 1,000,000 Twitter followers
32. While filming the ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ music video, the puppy in the video peed on Justin
33. Justin Bieber says he wants 3 kids
34. Justin Bieber’s first tweet was at 8:27 pm on 11th May 2009
35. Once Justin won the VMA he said to Jaden: “I can’t stop smiling”, Jaden replied: “When U Smile, I Smile”
36. While filming “Eenie Meenie” a Bentley was damaged, and it cost $50,000 to fix
37. Justin 3rd album is called Under The Mistletoe
38. Justin Bieber’s mother wanted to be an actress when she was younger
39. Justin once kissed a poster of himself and said “Yup, I’m a great kisser” (lmao)
40. As of October 2009, Bieber accumulated over 9 million YouTube channel views
41. Justin’s My World album went platinum only 3 months after it was released
42.During a show in Washington, Bieber’s personal laptop was stolen, hours
later some nude pictures spread on Twitter claiming to be Justin
43. Justin appeared in an episode of CSI on 23rd September 2010
44. Justin says “Never” 69 times in the song ‘Never Say Never’
45. Justin got caught smoking weed on 5th January 2013, but later apologised for his actions
46. Selena Gomez did not want any contact with Justin after the break-up
47. His sister’s name is Jazmen
48. Justin drove P-Diddy’s white Lamborghini around LA to get some frozen yoghurt with Sean Kingston
49. He’s the first solo artist to have four Top 40 singles before even releasing an album
50. He is the youngest artist to have five number-one albums in the US
51. He loves Disneyland, and has visited it on a romantic Valentine’s Day
date with former main squeeze (and Disney starlet) Selena Gomez and to
perform at the 2011 Disney Christmas Parade
52. He likes the cereals Cap’n Crunch Berries and Frosted Mini-Wheats
53. Justin can play the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet
54. Justin gets about 60 new mentions on twitter per second whether he tweets or not
55. Justin is the most searched person on the Internet
56. The 'Baby' music video is now the most watched music video ever on YouTube
57. Justin is a Pisces
58. 'That Should Be Me' is a cover. Justin didn't write The song
59. Justin doesn't like clowns
60. He love his tattoes
61. Justin was signed to Island Records in 2008
62. Even though Justin's eyes are light brown/hazel, they turn greenish in the sunlight
63. Earlier this year, Twitter reported that 83% of twitter users are Justin Bieber fans.
64. Justin's step-mother's name is Erin Bieber.
65. Justin uses Google Chrome.
66. Justin doesn't have a FormSpring account.
67. Justin is fluent in French but when asked to sing a French song in an interview, he sang Frère Jacques - the nursery rhyme.
68. Justin once had a dream that a cat ate him, that's why he doesn't like cats.
69. Justin used to Skype with fans last summer during his radio tour.
70. Justin got really annoyed with the girl in the 'Eenie Meenie' music video, because she couldn't dance.
71. Two haters bought backstage passes to tell Justin that his parents divorce was his fault.
72. There are 18 people named Justin Bieber in America.
73. Jazzy, Justin's little sister calls him 'Boo Boo' when she needs something.
74. Justin can juggle, do a front flip and back flip.
75. Justin has once tripped over his own hockey stick, while trying to impress a girl while playing hockey.
76. While in Tokyo, Japan, the first phrase Justin learnt was "Can I have your phone number?" and then he learnt 'i love you'
77. Justin didn’t shed a tear when he got his tattoo, and said it hurt, but not that bad.
78. Justin Bieber's favorite YouTube video is Chuck Norris fighting a bear.
79. Justin says he has never drunk alcohol and doesn't want to try it.
80. Justin has like his own Google
81. It takes less than 30 seconds for one of Justin's tweets to be Re-Tweeted 100+ times.
82. Joe Jonas once said "thank you" to a girl wearing a top that said
I ♥ JB. He didn't realize the JB actually meant Justin Bieber.
83. Justin weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces when he was born.
84. Justin’s twitter account is worth $2,892,543 according to
85. The song playing in the background of Justin's first kiss was
"How to Save A Life" by The Fray and Bieber said it was "magical".
86. A rumor once circulated that Justin was dead and another one said he committed suicide on July 31.
87. Justin didn't want to wash his face after Rihanna kissed him.
88. On September 2, 2009, Justin Bieber was a trending topic for one of the first times and he was thrilled
89. Justin has an iPad
90. Justin first met Usher in a car park
91. Justin likes bananas and grapes
92. Justin has been best friends with Ryan since they were 7
93. Sometimes Justin wears a dog tag given to him by a fan. It belonged to a fallen soldier, Justin wears it as a memorial
94. Justin once held up a sign from his hotel room window saying "Go to McDonalds and get me a Big Mac"
95. The Today Show was the first place that Justin performed 'Never Say Never' live
96. Justin's dad is the person who taught him how to drive
97. Justin's friends reveal he is always pranking people on Chatroullete
98. Justin has been a victim of cyber bullying
99. Justin found his backup dancers on YouTube
100. Justin goes to church and is a Christian
Fact About...
Taylor Swift - You're Not Sorry
Taylor Swift - You're Not Sorry
Lyricks Song
All this time I was wasting,
Hoping you would come around
I've been giving out chances every time
And all you do is let me down
And it's taking me this long
Baby but I figured you out
And you're thinking we'll be fine again,
But not this time around
You don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did - before
You're not sorry, no no oh
Looking so innocent,
I might believe you if I didn't know
Could've loved you all my life
If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold
And you got your share of secrets
And I'm tired of being last to know
And now you're asking me to listen
Cause it's worked each time before
But you don't have to call anymoreI won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did - before
You're not sorry, no no, oh
You're not sorry no no oh
You had me crawling for you honey
And it never would've gone away, no
You used to shine so bright
But I watched all of it fade
So you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There's nothing left to beg for
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did - before
You're not sorry, no no oh
You're not sorry, no no oh
No no no no no oh oh
Promotional single by Taylor Swift from the album Fearless | |
Released | October 28, 2008 |
Format | Promo, digital download |
Recorded | 2007 |
Genre | Country rock, soft rock |
Length | 4:21 |
Label | Big Machine |
Writer | Taylor Swift |
Producer | Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift |
Lyricks Song
Friday, October 10, 2014
Ariana Grande
1. I have four pet dogs: Ophelia, Coco, Toulouse, and Fawkes.
2. I still have three wisdom teeth. I'm having them extracted one by one.
3. I'm a native Floridian.
4. I love going to the beach in the middle of the night.
5. I wish every day were Halloween.
6. I have had a sick obsession with horror movies since I was little.
7. My mom thought I'd grow up to be a serial killer because I wore Halloween masks around the house.
8. I have the worst vision.
9. I love animals more than I love most people.
10. I'm vegan!
11. I love reading so much.
12. My favorite artists of all time are Imogen Heap, India. Arie and Madonna.
13. I really love the color lavender.
14. I am terrified of heights, and yet I love and will go on any roller coaster.
15. When I'm not wearing heels, I like to walk around en releve.
16. I love theme parks and look forward to Universal's Halloween Horror Nights all year.
17. My best friend is named Alexia [Luria].
18. I believe happiness is the best success.
19. I am obsessed with the ocean and all kinds of sea creatures.
20. I sleep in very minimal clothing. My grandmother encourages naked sleeping.
21. She is sitting next to me and just told me to correct grandmother to Nonna. LOL.
22. I love a spontaneous 3 a.m. trip to the pharmacy.
23. I think Bruce Almighty is the greatest movie ever.
24. I never get tired of Monopoly, even though it is a long-ass game.
25. I have a sailor mouth
2. I still have three wisdom teeth. I'm having them extracted one by one.
3. I'm a native Floridian.
4. I love going to the beach in the middle of the night.
5. I wish every day were Halloween.
6. I have had a sick obsession with horror movies since I was little.
7. My mom thought I'd grow up to be a serial killer because I wore Halloween masks around the house.
8. I have the worst vision.
9. I love animals more than I love most people.
10. I'm vegan!
11. I love reading so much.
12. My favorite artists of all time are Imogen Heap, India. Arie and Madonna.
13. I really love the color lavender.
14. I am terrified of heights, and yet I love and will go on any roller coaster.
15. When I'm not wearing heels, I like to walk around en releve.
16. I love theme parks and look forward to Universal's Halloween Horror Nights all year.
17. My best friend is named Alexia [Luria].
18. I believe happiness is the best success.
19. I am obsessed with the ocean and all kinds of sea creatures.
20. I sleep in very minimal clothing. My grandmother encourages naked sleeping.
21. She is sitting next to me and just told me to correct grandmother to Nonna. LOL.
22. I love a spontaneous 3 a.m. trip to the pharmacy.
23. I think Bruce Almighty is the greatest movie ever.
24. I never get tired of Monopoly, even though it is a long-ass game.
25. I have a sailor mouth
26. At the age of 10, Ariana co-founded a vocal group Kids Who Care. The group consists of children often appear to event-event fundraising.
27. In 2008, while still attending high school, Ariana won the event, the National Youth Theatre Association Award for her role as Charlotte in the Broadway musical titled 13.
28. After playing in the Nickelodeon television drama, Ariana repeat the success of his acting as Cat Valentine in the teen drama titled Sam & Cat. In the play, Ariana had to paint her brown hair brunette to red.
29. Yours Truly first album peaked at number 1 in the world, including The Way sung the song along with rapper Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Mac Miller.
30. Ariana pet dog has an account on Twitter with the name @MissCocoGrande and have a total of 11,000 followers.
31. Problem new single sung by Iggy Azalea together dominate the charts in the UK. It sold around 438,000 copies in its first week.
32. The second album My Everything Ariana which will release in the UK on 25 August.
33. Personnel One Direction, Harry Styles, specially wrote a song called A Little Bit Of Your Heart's latest album Ariana.
34. Together Nicki Minaj, Ariana had the honor of singing at the Jessie J's new single Bang Bang. The single was a lot to look forward to their fans and will release on 29 September.
35.Ariana turns out he was short, 153 cm. Although short according to baseball sources Ariana never felt confident baseball's second of the drawbacks.
36. Apparently, Ariana including pescatarian. Or just eat fish and vegetables only since 2010.
37. It is most sensitive for Ariana turns her hair. Because often colored, brittle hair and Ariana had problems. Her long hair now turns hair extensions, real hair instead of Ariana.
38. Ariana religion this time was Kabballah. Ariana was born and raised in a strong Catholic family. But he decided to go to Kabbalah in 2013.
39. Ariana was born on Saturday 26 June 1993 at 12:34 hours
40. Ari's favorite strawberry, watermelon, sushi, and starbucks
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